Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Nasty, Wrong, Jerk, Dumbass, Lowlife..It never really stops and it is all over the place.  People saying mean rotten things to each other.
God I had years that I felt I didn't fit in anyplace because of how cruel people were ..Then it was about my name..or my glasses, my boobs or my height..cuz yaknow..we all have SO much control over ANY of those things.

Now I am faced with a place that does not seem to appreciate hard work some..that is completely unforgiving..being that you did nothing wrong in the first place..and stupid enough to think that there is no WAY you would know WHO did it!

  Really?   Have you never in your small short little life ever heard of a time line?  Cameras??  No?  The saddest thing to me is that you think this kind of stuff is ok.  It is never ok to do bad to good people.  I know what you did.  I know who you are.  Shame on you. I will never, never ever do a kindness for you.  The saddest thing is that others find you amusing..Let me tell you..When you leave the room is the time they use your name the most.  Very sad really.

I spent some time going through other nights and saw more things that were directed AT me but never said to me.  I do not understand this kind of pettiness and I am too strong to be a part of it. is the deal..I am not your bitch.  I am no one's bitch.  I am a grown-ass woman who deserves the respect I have earned and ya'all NEED to either find you a new scapegoat..which I seriously advise against..Or..simply..graduate and begin life in the real world..